Calling All Skaters


Calling All Skaters is our frontline partner to see skateboarders in the nations become disciples of Jesus Christ

We accomplish this in 5 ways:

  • Training skateboarders to be missionaries and sending them into the nations
  • Ministering at our local skateparks in LA through BBQ’s, skate contests, Bible studies, and relationships
  • Producing gospel-centered skateboarding media in multiple languages.
  • Supporting, serving, and partnering with skateboarding ministries throughout the world
  • Interceding in prayer for individual skaters, skate teams, skate ministries, and the community of skaters worldwide


When ministering the gospel internationally, cultural barriers can be tough to break through. But the skate culture is global. Whether you’re in Thailand, China, Spain, South Africa, Chile, or California, skaters stay the same. This is because skaters everywhere in the world are watching the same videos, going to the same websites, buying the same brands, and modeling themselves after the same handful of pro’s in the industry. The same ingredients go into shaping the skate culture worldwide. This is the culture that Calling All Skaters connects with and is reaching into with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Skaters do life together. Skateboarding is a culture of community. You will find these skate communities at skateparks, under bridges, behind buildings and in parking lots, sweeping the streets in cities big and small all around the world. These are the communities Calling All Skaters is called to share life with- to invest ourselves in seeing these skaters saved and brought to new life and freedom in walking with Christ.

Jesus commissioned believers to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. Skateboarding is an effective tool for local and international evangelism and discipleship. And all skaters who are disciples of Christ are fit for the task!

Our Theme Verse:

“When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'” -Matthew 9:36-38 (NKJV).