Borders for Christ

bfcBorders for Christ  is our frontline partner. They use extreme sports demonstrations and different tools to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.

Our mission is to revolutionize the culture through creative means. We desire to lead this generation into becoming the leaders of tomorrow. We believe that board sports, film, design, art, fashion and music are defining elements to us today. It is through these elements that we envision a society turning to Christ. We desire to weave Jesus’ love into the creative industries and be a light as He has called us to be by using our tools, giftings and passions to start conversations and bridge gaps. As a service to the church we are here to assist pastors, leaders, youth pastors, promoters etc. in presenting the life-changing message of Jesus in a relevant way to anyone we encounter.

“I think when you find something you love to do and find a way to relate that to your spiritual life, it becomes an extension of who you are.  So I don’t think its surprising that BFC has been around as long as it has because these guys would be doing the same thing even if BFC didn’t exist.  They are passionate about it.” — Chris Cochran, First youth pastor to host a BFC demo.

Since it’s inception, BFC has been about one thing:  Drawing people closer to God through board sports and and creative media outlets. 14 years ago this was done through hot dogs, lemonade, and a big red and blue bus.  Today it is done through skate demos, contests, mentoring, film, music, community and local church involvement, and an international touring team.  No one can say exactly what BFC will do in the next ten years but one thing is for certain, anything BFC does will be done only to draw people closer tothe God that loves them.

Everyone has passions.  Everyone has hobbies.  Everyone is creative.  These are gifts from God.  When we use those gifts to tell others about the One who created us, this is our gift to Him.  BFC believes whatever you do, you can use that tool to draw others into a deeper relationship with Christ. We encourage you to let Him reveal His purpose.

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