Our Mission
The Death2Life Revolution is called to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ to a hurting generation, and to train, disciple, counsel and empower them to die to self and live a radical life that will create a worldwide revolution for Jesus Christ.
“my wife and i have tried everything to get our son some help with his dark thoughts of death and darkness. our youngest, —–, loves skateboarding and music, especially the band korn. the people in your organization and website spoke to him more than any doctor or counselors. smiles have returned and often talks about what he’s learning from your videos and phone chats. we check his phone and find your website on it and we are incredibly thankful for what you do.”

How We Help
We are a web-based ministry, providing a real person to help those considering ending their life.
We daily counsel hundreds of suicidal and hurting kids and adults. We provide 24-hour counseling.
The top Google searches that bring people to our website:
- I Want to Die
- Easy Ways to Kill Myself
- Painless ways to die
“Hi, my name is ——, I’m 17. I live in Texas. You helped me accept Jesus Christ close to 2 years ago. I was into drugs and alcohol. Feeling depressed and suicidal. Feel unwanted, rejected, long periods of sadness, withdrawal. i need help and support pls. I’m reaching out because I don’t know where to go and you have helped my in my life more than anyone has. Thanks for being there for me.”
Ways to Partner

You will receive the name, age and country of the life you will be sponsoring within 7 days. You will receive updates on your sponsored life along with others that also need prayer and support. These are people who want help. Partnering with us will ensure that they will receive the help they need. We do need you!
Your Monthly Partnership will provide:
- 24/7 Counseling Support – Online and Text Support
- D2L Support Groups – Online community
- D2L training and discipleship
- Local Church and Community help and enfolding
- Your sponsored life will hear about Jesus Christ and will be offered online discipleship and enfolding into a local bible-preaching church.
Save A Life!
Save a Life
Help save a life for about $1 a day.
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I’m a suicide attempt survivor last year so I know what it’s like to be at rock bottom. That’s actually how I found the D2L and I came to Christ. I love what you guys are doing. You saved my life! Thank you!
Text SAVEALIFE @77948
Checks can be sent to:
D2L Revolution Inc
21001 N TATUM BLVD STE 1630-162
501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
All monthly and annual support are tax deductible.
Est. 2009